July 29, 2023

We need stories

I only understood native, aboriginal, and indigenous rights properly like only two years ago, we are going way too slow. We can’t keep forgetting the past. We need stories.

All in all, I just feel a tiny bit of existential dread and I’m just hoping that whatever humans are doing as a system is gonna work, I will do my best to play my part in fixing this, but I will not live under the grip of fear, change is always. change is constant. We have forgotten our own mortalities and feel as if we were entitled to live to 120 just because we were born in the future and thats long enough to forget about death for a while.

Either 1) people wisen up, listen to each other and cooperate 2) We die. One by one. We die. It’s that simple. Everyone should push forward as one, with a common goal of survival fast and soon, before it gets worse. We evolve with every generation, but that is much too slow. How do we grow faster? Connect with people and become aware of the life you’re living. How funny would it have been if buddhists arrived in australia before colonialism and suddenly they became an ultra badass spiritual society that embraced body and mind as well as the role of each one of us within the larger systems of life. They would live each day in peace. Knowing that they were all harmoniously in the system and the role each played to keep the system balanced.

As a system we can create those realities just as easy as we can individually imagine them. That’s what we lost through colonialism. Thats why I dont have any rituals or culture anymore. That’s why i feel so sad and angry. Thats why you need to understand.