March 28, 2020

Letter to future self: Open 28-09-2020

Dear A,

I hope you are doing well, and I mean, really fucking well. This year of your life started out realy really well, you started becoming more social and actually presenting female and becoming happy with who you are. However, there was a slight hiccup on the socialisation side. No matter what, I know your relationship with [ex-gf] to be well and happy as it has been in the past 3 years because right now youre still madly in love with her.

I hope by now you have achieved your goal of coming out to family and also are on your way of being full time. If so, I am REAAALLY proud of you :3 , if not, that’s ok, I know I am definitely not ready now, so I understand. By now though, you should definitely be bomb at makeup and hair (maybe you even got that haircut that you wanted and you look super cute?). Oh and I hope your wardrobe is full of stuff that makes you look really good! Oh, and I think it will be interesting to see how your voice has changed!!

Your relationship with family has hopefully improved over this time as they realise more and more about your changing body and habits. (Right now you just painted your nails black for the second time and mum didn’t like the colours. Also Dad only just realised that you do your eyebrows recently too). I think they are becoming more tolerant and understanding and less aggressive/inquisitive so by now maybe your relationship with them is really good.

I believe that whatever progress you have made so far is great progress and that having this to read has made you remember how far you have come. I hope that all your friendships are all flourishing, happy HRT Annieversary, YOU BETTER BE TREATING [dog] WELL YOU BITCH…, aaand I hope that in your day to day you are still striving toward living a happy life.

All the best,